University of Arizona© Science Center: Tucson, Arizona
Provided a range of planning and strategic services in support of the development of a new science center in downtown Tucson. This has included market support and economic potential evaluations as well as economic impact studies. We worked closely with Science Center management to develop future operating budgets and strategies; advised on a building program that optimized the visitor experience, attendance potential and revenue potential; and provided support to the university as it sought approval from the City and State for the project.
Ocean Science Center at Nova Southeastern University: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Evaluated the market and operating potential of outreach components that were envisioned to include an aquarium, a visitor center and a conference facility. We worked collaboratively and iteratively with the design team to help identify the optimum program for each of the outreach components.
Environmental Science Learning Center: Perryville, Missouri
Assessed the feasibility of and development potential for a proposed DePaul University Environmental Science Learning Center that would feature tigers in a sanctuary setting. The concept for the project is not a general visitor attraction, but rather, is focused on special markets to include academic facilities, school groups, eco-tourists and corporate meetings. Work entailed site analysis, market potential, operational issues, and economic impacts, as well as evaluating the balance between research and conservation elements of the plan with the public and educational project components.
J.L. Scott Marine Center and Aquarium: Biloxi, Mississippi
Retained by the University of Southern Mississippi Institute of Marine Sciences to evaluate future positioning for the J.L. Scott Marine Center and Aquarium. This study evaluated a series of alternative futures for the Center related to various land use programs.
Arizona State Museum: Tucson, Arizona
Completed a market and economic feasibility analysis, including an operating business plan and an economic and fiscal impacts analysis, for a branch of the Museum to be developed as part of the Rio Nuevo redevelopment district in downtown Tucson. The Arizona State Museum is a department of the University of Arizona® and is the oldest and largest anthropological museum in the Southwest. This work included detailed evaluation of the museum’s current operations and projected operations at the new location.
Utah Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah: Salt Lake City, Utah
Prepared an economic impact analysis for a planned new landmark museum building on a new site.