ConsultEcon Management & Economic Insight

ConsultEcon staff have broadly based experience in evaluating market, economic and financial aspects of economic development projects. These include area-wide strategies, district plans, and site master plans, as well as individual development projects and redevelopment and reuse plans.  We often work in multidisciplinary teams that might include planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, and/or public outreach specialists.


Historic Preservation

Darwin D. Martin House Complex:  Buffalo, New York
Prepared market projections and a redevelopment plan as well as financial analysis for Frank Lloyd Wright’s residential masterpiece in Buffalo, New York.  An economic impact analysis was also prepared.  This project is in implementation and will include a visitor center building that will orient visitors to this historic site.

Old Erie Canal Heritage Park:  Port Byron, New York
Evaluated the market and operating potential of the Port Byron Old Erie Canal Heritage Park.  The proposed project will include an educational and interpretive center based around several historic structures, the Old Erie Canal Lock 52 and the 1895 Canal Tavern "the Erie House," in the Village of Port Byron.

Camden Station:  Baltimore, Maryland
The Babe Ruth Birthplace Museum developed a plan to reuse historic Camden Station in Baltimore as a new Baltimore Sports Hall of Fame.  ConsultEcon prepared market attendance potential projections and an operating plan for this facility, which is adjacent to Oriole Park at Camden Yards.  The new Sports Legends Museum at Camden Yards was successfully opened.

Queen’s Warehouse: 
St. George’s, Bermuda
Evaluated for the St. George’s Foundation the attendance potential for a visitor center to be developed in an adaptive reuse of the historic Queen’s Warehouse.  St. George’s is a World Heritage Site.  This study also prepared an operating plan for the new Visitors’ Center and estimated the economic benefits.

Historic Bank Reuse: 
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Assisted in the development of Chambersburg as a destination for heritage tourism activities.  The plan identified heritage resources and outlined heritage development strategies and the necessary implementation processes.  We also devised the thematic program for the Chambersburg Heritage Center, which will serve to attract, inform, and orient visitors through interpretive exhibits of the history and heritage of Chambersburg.

Foundry Cove Heritage Preserve:  Cold Spring, New York
Evaluated this project as part of a planning team for Scenic Hudson Land Trust.  This project combined reuse and preservation of the West Point Foundry administration building along with other site remains to create a visitor center and an historic interpretive park.

Union Station:  Worcester, Massachusetts
Reviewed the economic potential of alternative reuse plans for this historic rail station.  Uses considered included retail, office, service and entertainment, as well as transportation-related functions.

Bridge House Visitor Center:  Albany, Georgia
Evaluated the historic Bridge House as a municipal visitor center for the City of Albany, Georgia.  The Bridge House is the oldest building in Albany, and is strategically located within the Flint River waterfront plan area.  Supporting retail uses were also evaluated.

Hudson, New York
Evaluated attendance potential of the master plan for the historic home and gardens of painter Frederic E. Church, a leader in the Hudson River School of Art.  We conducted primary market analysis of visitor markets.  This site includes an important art collection to be housed in a new gallery as well as changes to improve on-site circulation and parking.  This site includes a nationally significant, picturesque landscape.

Buffalo Olmsted Richardson Architecture Center: 
Buffalo, New York
Conducted a market and economic feasibility study for the proposed Buffalo Olmsted Richardson Architecture Center.  Our work included review of the proposed site for the center from a market and economic perspective, identification and evaluation of resident and tourist market segments, review of the experience of attractions in the market area and future area trends, as well as a review of comparable project experience.  Attendance potential, operating potential and sensitivity analyses for two alternative scenarios were prepared with a final overall market and economic analysis for the preferred scenario.

Historic Fort Lowell Park Master Plan & Restoration Plan:  Tucson, Arizona
As part of a multi-disciplinary team, ConsultEcon provided input to the Historic Fort Lowell Master Plan, which included consideration of the general economic feasibility of the alternative concept plans and identification of a preferred alternative that was the subject of more detailed analysis.  A business and management plan were then produced for the recommended alternative.