ConsultEcon Management & Economic Insight

Market and financial feasibility evaluations are a core expertise of the firm.  Our market and financial feasibility work support clients in many sectors of the economy.  Projects range from small venues and projects to very large mixed use projects with multiple venues and land uses.  The focus is on testing project viability, and enhancing sustainability, and contributing to long-term success by providing feedback to the project plan and operating strategy.


Highest and Best Use Analysis

Highest and Best Use Analysis is an approach to investment analysis which determines the use or mix of uses that are likely to produce the greatest net return to a property.  This generally entails market analysis, concept development and financial testing. 

Examples of this work include:

American Tin Can Factory:  Monterey, California
Bomes Theater Reuse Study:  Providence, Rhode Island
Clipper Mills:  Baltimore, Maryland
Fall River State Pier:  Fall River, Massachusetts
Fort Devens Business Center:  Devens, Massachusetts
Greylock Glen:  Adams, Massachusetts
Iowa Destination State Parks:  Various locations, Iowa
Lakeville State Hospital Reuse:  Lakeville, Massachusetts
Marina Triangle Master Plan:  White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Putnam Hall:  Orange, Massachusetts
Stanley Woolen Mill Reuse: 
Uxbridge, Massachusetts